Javier Bardem Might Play Ferran in New Food Film
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 7:45PM
Ana Kinkaid in Awards, Book, Chefs, Cooking, Creativity, Cuisine, Culinary History, Dead Poets Society, Ferran AdriĆ”, Films, Food, Food Film, Hollywood, Javier Bardem, Movies, Philippe Rousselet, Professionalism, Ratatouille, Restaurants, Reviews, Spanish Cuisine, Technology, The Social Network, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Thr Breakfast Club

Producer Philippe Rousselet wants Javier Bardem to play Ferran Adrià in the long-awaited elBulli film. Rousselet told the Hollywood Reporter that the actor is his "obvious first choice." 

The film is based on the book The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which chronicles life behind the scenes in the avant-garde elBulli kitchen. 

Adrià is involved with the production as "an on-set advisor." He has described the film as The Social Network meets Ratatouille. 

Rousselet is now calling it "The Breakfast Club meets Dead Poets Society meets The Social Network", i.e., less rats, more angst and lots of self-discovery for hard working young chefs. 

Should be good - very good! What would your casting choices be?

 Your Culinary World copyright Ana Kinkaid/Peter Schlagel 2013

Article originally appeared on Your Culinary World (http://culinaryfinds.squarespace.com/).
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